
Saturday, February 4, 2017

Wild About Peyton Food

 Since I couldn't come up with a main dish that was safari themed for the Wild About Peyton party, we had a bunch of pizzas. Then we had the main table as a sweets table, along with a smaller table in the kitchen as another snack table.
 We had chocolate & cookies & cream mini cupcakes with marshmallow animals on top from Oriental Trading. In front of the cupcake tower were some cookies that looked sort of zebra print. 
 These zebra cakes are what actually started my thoughts for this party. Yeah, I'm that dedicated to the deliciousness of Little Debbie. 

For the cake, we had a regular chocolate cake with chocolate pirouettes put around the edges like fencing. The little animal candles came from Party City.  
 The trio of brownies were so yummy & included regular, cream cheese & turtle brownies. 

 Who knew they made twinkies that looked like this? The swirls reminded me of animal prints, so these came home with me from Walmart. 

 We had another snacks table in the kitchen with the pizza. There we had chips, popcorn, cheetos & some fruit. 
Check out the main party page here...
Wild About Peyton party

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