
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Palace Pets Paint Party Decorations

For Addy's Palace Pets Paint party, I used folded over plastic tablecloths as the backdrop. I am the crazy lady at Christmas who will save the gift bags to use again, so most of these tablecloths are from previous parties. I originally got several of them at the Dollar Tree, but I think the purple & blue came from Party City. The tablecloth on the food table is from Hobby Lobby.

The "Happy Birthday" sign came from Hobby Lobby. As for the centerpiece frame & the palace pet any of you or your significant others have random leftover wood from projects? We definitely do. So to make the frames, I took some leftover shoe molding, cut them at the right angles (ok, had Steve cut them at the right angles) & then used a heavy duty stapler gun to keep them together. I got the wooden letters from Hobby Lobby & the paint brushes from the Dollar Tree. I spray painted the letters, paint brushes & frames in alternating colors matching the backdrop.

 I used fishing line to hang the brushes & the letters from the frame. I originally was going to hang the frame from the ceiling, but it was really just too heavy so I used a crate & set the frame on top of it. I set some of Addy's Palace Pet friends in front of it to incorporate her theme a little more.
 For the pictures inside the frame, Addy had a coloring book that came with a Palace Pets poster & stickers. I cut up the poster & put the pictures in the frames. These were lighter, so I was able to hang these from the ceiling using fishing line & little flat tacks. (Yes I have a billion little holes in my ceiling & wall from these parties. Its part of a house's charm, right?)

 For the cake stand, I bought two paint palettes from Hobby Lobby. I used an empty can to balance the smaller on top of the larger one. They were perfect for the cupcakes. You can see that a couple other Palace Pet friends sat around the table.
I also had other two other sets of cupcakes on palettes on the table. All of the food set on paint splatter placemats, also from Hobby Lobby.
 For many of the other foods, I used plastic paint cans (guys you will find this shocking, but these also came from Hobby Lobby) with the Palace Pets stickers on them. Obviously nothing fancy, but I really liked incorporating these palettes & paint cans into the party food theme. (More info on the foods here).
All of the plates & napkins were guessed it, Hobby Lobby.  If you've learned nothing else from this post, let it be that Hobby Lobby has a lot of paint party supplies. ; )
Click Below for More Info on This Party

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