
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Palace Pets Paint Party - Painting Activity

Because it's painting & kids, we did this activity for the Palace Pets Paint Party outside. Even though it was October, it was still somehow blazing hot. Welcome to the South guys. I guess it's better than the rain we have dealt with some years though. So on the table were more placemats like I used on the food table, their berets & aprons, water cups, brushes & paint palettes.
My talented friend Luci helped me with this party since she is a great painter & possesses a greater patience for teaching kids things than I do. She got the great idea for this project here. She took canvases & cut out hearts & flowers out of contact paper. She then sealed the shapes onto the canvases in advance for the kids, so it would be less time that she would have to keep their attention. She then went through a tutorial, teaching them to paint rainbow colors across the canvas before removing the contact paper & revealing a clear shape in the center.

Luci's tutorial turned out great & while not all sticking to the rainbow concept, the kids did a great job too. They also had a blast painting & were all so proud of themselves. And how stinking cute are they in the berets & paint aprons? Here they are with their painting teacher Luci.
While their painting dried, the kids had fun whacking the paint can piƱata (thanks Oriental Trading). The kids had a lot of fun & definitely enjoyed stuffing their bags full of candy. It was a fun day for Addy, Peyton & their friends.
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Palace Pets Paint Party Favors

The favors for the Palace Pets Paint Party were super easy. I bought the favor buckets from Hobby Lobby. I filled them with Play Doh, rainbow suckers & paint from Dollar Tree & paint splatter bubbles from Oriental Trading. Dollar Tree also had great timing, as they had Palace Pets puzzles in stock, so each kid got one of those as well. They also took home their berets & painting aprons.

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Palace Pets Paint Party Food

 I wanted to keep things rainbowish for the Palace Pets Paint party. For the cupcakes, I used paint splatter cupcake wrappers from Hobby Lobby & baked funfetti cupcakes. One of my favorite things is the new funfetti icing colors. That's what I used to ice all of the cupcakes.

Another thing I used the icing for is these Pretzel Paintbrushes. These were super easy. I melted the icing a little & dipped the tip of the pretzel sticks in. I then stuck them in the freezer on some wax paper for a few minutes, just to help them set a little. In the background behind the cupcakes above & behind the Pretzel Paintbrushes below are some of the other snacks we enjoyed, Little Bites Party Cakes & Goldfish Colors.

In keeping with the rainbowish theme, I did a fruit platter of strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple, green apple & purple grapes. I also did a vegetable platter of cherry tomatoes, carrots, yellow pepper, broccoli & olives (just pretend they are purple).

 Our Sams Club had these brownie bites with little rainbow chips on them that were perfect for the party. I topped them with little food picks from Oriental Trading.

 I also found these great paint palette suckers at Oriental Trading.

We also enjoyed these rainbow colored Twizzlers. I use "we" loosely here as I tend to think Twizzlers are the worst type of candy ever, but others seemed to dig them.
So that's all the yummies from the Palace Pets Paint Party. Delicious & some, even a little nutritious. ; )
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Palace Pets Paint Party Decorations

For Addy's Palace Pets Paint party, I used folded over plastic tablecloths as the backdrop. I am the crazy lady at Christmas who will save the gift bags to use again, so most of these tablecloths are from previous parties. I originally got several of them at the Dollar Tree, but I think the purple & blue came from Party City. The tablecloth on the food table is from Hobby Lobby.

The "Happy Birthday" sign came from Hobby Lobby. As for the centerpiece frame & the palace pet any of you or your significant others have random leftover wood from projects? We definitely do. So to make the frames, I took some leftover shoe molding, cut them at the right angles (ok, had Steve cut them at the right angles) & then used a heavy duty stapler gun to keep them together. I got the wooden letters from Hobby Lobby & the paint brushes from the Dollar Tree. I spray painted the letters, paint brushes & frames in alternating colors matching the backdrop.

 I used fishing line to hang the brushes & the letters from the frame. I originally was going to hang the frame from the ceiling, but it was really just too heavy so I used a crate & set the frame on top of it. I set some of Addy's Palace Pet friends in front of it to incorporate her theme a little more.
 For the pictures inside the frame, Addy had a coloring book that came with a Palace Pets poster & stickers. I cut up the poster & put the pictures in the frames. These were lighter, so I was able to hang these from the ceiling using fishing line & little flat tacks. (Yes I have a billion little holes in my ceiling & wall from these parties. Its part of a house's charm, right?)

 For the cake stand, I bought two paint palettes from Hobby Lobby. I used an empty can to balance the smaller on top of the larger one. They were perfect for the cupcakes. You can see that a couple other Palace Pet friends sat around the table.
I also had other two other sets of cupcakes on palettes on the table. All of the food set on paint splatter placemats, also from Hobby Lobby.
 For many of the other foods, I used plastic paint cans (guys you will find this shocking, but these also came from Hobby Lobby) with the Palace Pets stickers on them. Obviously nothing fancy, but I really liked incorporating these palettes & paint cans into the party food theme. (More info on the foods here).
All of the plates & napkins were guessed it, Hobby Lobby.  If you've learned nothing else from this post, let it be that Hobby Lobby has a lot of paint party supplies. ; )
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Addy's Palace Pets Paint Party

So I must have fallen into a time warp or something because somehow it has almost been two years since I posted last. How is that possible? I guess time really flies when you're having fun...or stressed & raising kids. ; )  I have several parties to catch up on, so I will start with Addy's 5th birthday party, a Palace Pets Paint Party. What the hell is a Palace Pets Paint party? Well, I'm so glad you asked. I have no idea. I had been planning a Little Mermaid party for almost a year when about a month before her party, Addy decides she wants to have a Palace Pets party, but also wants to paint with her friends. Wait, what? Kids get old enough for their own opinions on birthday parties? Not a fan, ha. So, the concept of a Palace Pets Paint party was born. My absolute favorite part of this party was how freaking adorable the kids looked in their little berets & painting aprons. I got both online at Oriental Trading. Here are some pics from the party. You can find more info on the decorations here, the food here, the favors here & the actual painting here. Happy Saturday everyone!

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